
Wednesday, March 5th from 5:00PM to 7:30PM in the Poetry Center's Alumni Room.

Beginnings, middles, ends; sequences, interruptions, diversions, and circulation; stanzas, serials, circuits, and the stage of the page. Understanding narrative dynamics, movement, and arrangement is as important for poets as it is for fiction writers. 

In this class, we will take guidance from the Tamil practice of Kolam–an ancient and contemporary folk art of drawing on stoops and thresholds – to consider storytelling practices that evoke and sustain threshold spaces. We will read, with care and curiosity, texts by Myung Mi Kim, Bhanu Kapil, and M. NourbeSe Philip to suggest, together, how these poets have countered received notions of “plot” and “narrative arc” to invent other ways of storying through poetry. We will articulate our own thresholds that define and open us, and step out to what may be (or can become) our own ways of telling stories about what was, what is, and what is (or needs to) arrive. 

This class requires some preparation (reading) and a portion of this session will take place outdoors. Some of the practices may require bending, sitting on the ground, walking and standing. Those who need accommodations can reach out to the organizers and the class activities will be adapted to include writers of all bodyminds.


Saturday, March 8th from 9:30AM to 1:30PM in the Poetry Center's Alumni Room.

Class will be followed by a catered lunch by Tumerico and a presentation from a guest speaker from a local nonprofit organization. Lunch and presentation will be held from 12:30PM - 1:30PM.

Breathing offers a natural rhythm to our lives. The element of air seems invisible yet charges our every act, thought, and word. In the climate crisis, as inspiration meets expiration, the vulnerable act of breathing amplifies winds of change from polluted atmospheres to Black Lives Matter to COVID-19 to each life and death across the planet. In this writing workshop, we reimagine the presence of air in our words—poetry, nonfiction, fiction, between & beyond—breathing life into lines and sentences, paragraphs and poetics of place, retuning our basic rhythm of being alive. This generative workshop is the fourth in a seasonal series of workshops at the Poetry Center around natural elements to bridge ecologies.

This generative workshop is the fourth in a seasonal series of workshops at the Poetry Center around natural elements to bridge ecologies. The series is a sister effort to immersive short courses on Literary Ecologies taught by Gretchen at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation in Virginia. Participants can take one workshop by itself, or grow a practice of relational ecologies between places over time.

University of Arizona Poetry Center